Regenerate Technology Global Announces Acquisition Of UK Battery Technology Company Ever Resource

Regenerate Technology Global, an international technology and battery materials company announces the acquisition of the UK company Ever Resource. Ever Resource has generated over 20 patents in innovative battery chemistry in close partnership with the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy at the University of Cambridge, UK.

Ever Resource, established in 2020 by founders Miles Freeman and Dr. Athan Fox, was the winner of the “Clean Tech Company of the Year” at the Cambridge Independent Science and Technology Awards in 2022. The company also won the “IP Prize” in science and technology in 2022. The majority of Ever Resource’s patents have moved out of the laboratory and validated in demonstration plants in the UK and Brazil, respectively.

Dr. Fox, CEO of Ever Resource, looks forward to combining scientific discovery with commercial opportunities in his company’s merger with Regenerate Technology: “We have made incredible discoveries in the recycling and improvement of battery metals, and now we look forward to implementing them to an industrial scale. Along the way we anticipate game-changing energy savings, decarbonization and reduction in waste outputs.”

Regenerate Technology will look to implement its core technologies in the enhanced performance of battery materials, across a diverse range of battery types: lead acid, alkaline and lithium ion. Regenerate “upcyles” end of life batteries (and battery production waste) with its proprietary technology, to create a better battery in the next generation of production.

Dr. David Batstone, cofounder and CEO of Regenerate Technology, believes the timing is ripe for invention in the space: “The world is demanding more energy and power with batteries being a critical part of this electrification roll-out, but to ensure a sustainable circular economy for manufacturing and the battery materials, an efficient low-carbon battery recycling technology will be critical.

The amalgamation of Ever Resource and Regenerate Technology will enable the delivery of a product that meets these expectations."


Regenerate Technology Global Announces European Acquisition to Accelerate Sustainable Battery Transition